MAFP Adopts Revised Mission Statement and approves changes to Bylaws:
During our annual business meeting on Saturday, Membership approved a new Mission Statement:
"The Maine Academy of Family Physicians exists to improve the health of all people in Maine by advancing the specialty of Family Medicine."
In addition to the above Mission Statement change, the health equity committee has reviewed all of our policies and bylaws and made edits to ensure we had inclusive language present. Membership also approved changes to our bylaws with more inclusive language.
AAFP President, Tochi Iroku-Malize MD, FAAFP Administers Oath to MAFP Officers & Directors!
Congratulations to these newly elected MAFP Officers and Directors and appreciation to them for volunteering to lead and strengthen the MAFP:
Susan Cheff, MD – President (Elected 2021 as President-Elect)
Marco Cornelio, MD – President-Elect
Francis Bellino, MD, FAAFP – Treasurer
Peter Amann, MD – Director 1-year term (’23 - ’24)
John Kroger MD, FAAFP – Director 2-year term (’23 - ’25)
Katie Adams, MD, FAAFP – Director 2-year term (’23 - ’25)
Isabella Taylor, DO – Director 3-year term (’23 - ’26)
Tiffany Segre, MD – Director 3-year term (’23-’26)
Elisabeth Mock, MD, MPH, FAAFP – Delegate to COD 2-year term (’23 - ’25)
Isabella Taylor, MD, DO – Alternate Delegate to COD 1-year term (’23 – ’24)
Patrick Connolly, MD -- Alternative Delegate to COD 2-year term (’23 – ’25)
Read Dr. Sue Cheffs Presidents address
Thank you!
We are grateful for all the hard work many of our Board Members and Frank Bellino thanked the Board of Directors for all they did during his term as President during the last 2 years as they led us through the pandemic. Frank Bellino MD, FAAFP, outgoing MAFP President
Degree of Fellow Conferred by Dr. Iroku-Malize
The Degree of Fellow was established in 1971 by the AAFP Congress of Delegates as an avenue for special recognition of those members of the AAFP who have distinguished themselves among their colleagues, in their communities, by their service to Family Medicine, advancement of health care, and their professional development. The following members were recognized for achieving the Degree of Fellow:
Katie M. Adams, MD, FAAFP
Armand G. Auger, MD, FAAFP
Sarah M. Davis, MD, FAAFP
Alexander N. Kim, DO, FAAFP
Lisa T. Marrache, MD, FAAFP
Congratulations to our colleagues for all their hard work and dedication in their attainment of the Degree of Fellow!